(Fashion) designer

Started on the catwalk of Amsterdam Fashion Week Antoine Peters’ expressions developed in the most broad sense of it’s meaning. Naturally evolved into a creative studio, nowadays his work shifts within fashion, art and architecture, in which the relationship towards fashion, clothing and the human body are a binding factor. Ranging from wearable to totally unwearable and from industrial to handmade, his idea’s result in a world were product-design, print-design and art installations go hand in hand.

Valued for his exploring designapproach he often stretches the concept of fashion and sometimes takes this very literally. Playing with perception is an important theme in Peters’ work. The space around the garment - the interaction and communication - is just as important as the piece of clothing itself. Clothing that (optically) changes when the viewer or the wearer move or pieces of cloth which more and more stretches itself beyond the body, and sometimes even literally occupies the space single-handedly.

According to Antoine Peters fashion, art and design are optimism. And his expending universe is about spreading a little smile.